Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Revelations

It's the day after Christmas, and I have two thoughts.

1.  It's amazing how easy it is to buy gifts for my family.  Mostly, when I buy things for my parents, or my sister, there isn't any agonizing over what to get.  I see it, and I know they will like it.  Why?  Because I like it.  Because I would be happy if it were wrapped with my name on it.  I always thought that was kind of weirdly selfish, like I was buying them things (books, movies, games, sweaters) that I would evenutally be able to borrow, and maybe that made it less personal, less valuable.  But mostly what it means is that my family and I are a lot alike, no matter how different they each may be to each other.  I have pieces of my personality I share with my dad, my mom, my sister, good and bad and geeky and bookish and ridiculous.  It means we're connected in fundamental ways that have nothing to do with genetics.

2.  When you start to tear up a little because your dad and stepmom give you some money to help you pay down your debt so you can someday buy a home?  And you think there is nothing you would rather do in the world with that money?  That means you're officially a grownup.   When you and your mom both decide on small gifts because money is tight and you both stick to that, and you spend the day instead watching movies and looking at old family pictures and laughing while making dinner, and it's one of the best Christmases you've had in a long time?  That means you're officially a grownup.  Being a growup kind of rules.

Those are pretty nice Christmas revelations.

1 comment:

  1. Those are awesome revelations. You're my favorite grownup. I love you.
