Monday, January 18, 2010

A place for everything...

After a busy holiday season, I fell headfirst into a January that was both busy and grey, and lost all momentum in my blogging.  *sigh*

Life is kicking into high gear, and I'm trying more than ever to get into a good, solid routine.  I started a workout regimen with some online friends but lost my way about a week in.  Here's hoping my February redux takes hold a little better.

The big news of the month so far is my acceptance to graduate school, and the frantic realization that I am starting in TWO WEEKS.  I have so much to do before then, not the least of which is register for classes!  Thank goodness my mother has every important paper I'll ever need at her fingertips, or I might have been frozen out of the semester without proof of immunization.  That is a big deal at CUNY, it seems.  Financial aid is the other thing up in the air, but I'll know more about that after my talk with the financial aid office tomorrow.  Fingers crossed that I'm not too late for a loan!

The other exciting news is that organization seems to have taken hold in my apartment!  Trips to IKEA are a dangerous thing, but I managed to leave with only what I went for - a large, dark wood bookcase that would fit all my DVDs and a lot of overflow books.  I also took the opportunity to take my forlorn electric guitar out of its travel case and set it on display.  Here's hoping that it ends up guilting me into practice twice a week.  (Please note: the Rock Band drum set is more likely to catch our attention.  Not that there is anything wrong with that!  But I would like to master, or at least become proficient in, one real musical instrument.)

Sarah and I spent this afternoon putting together her purchase - a lovely dresser with a mirror attached - and we're both having bouts of early spring cleaning, tossing everything we haven't touched in years and pulling old clothes out of the closets for the giveaway pile.

February is going to be a pretty intense month for me, but I'm hoping to put in place some serious structure to keep me on track.  Working out, classes, studying, choral rehearsals, practicing my guitar, prepping one (sometimes two) meals a day to eat on the go - all of it will test my natural penchant for stillness and liassez-faire attitude.  Keep me in your thoughts, and don't be afraid to ask me how it's going.  I need your positive reinforcement as much as my own!