Friday, February 4, 2011

I want to feel good! So simple, omg!

How is it that I have not posted since before Thanksgiving!?  How!?

Once again, the title of my blog is a misnomer, because life has been anything but boring.  December was busy with work, school, choir and the usual holiday insanity.  January was spent trying to cram in as much fun as possible before school started up again.  (That happened on Wednesday.)  

In the meantime, I've been trying to get better about HAES, but there is a disconnect between "eat what you want" and "eat what is healthy" in my head that is really really hard to get rid of after thirty-three years of believing those two things could never peacefully co-exist.  When my body craves pizza, or salty chips, or a can of coke, I automatically assume there is something really WRONG with me, because those foods are WRONG.  

Foods are never wrong.  How much I eat of them is sometimes wrong, because I'm still getting attuned to my body's cues for hungry/full, and still pretty bad at eating on a schedule.  (Fun fact: if you haven't eaten breakfast regularly in ten years, it's really hard to get in that habit again!  Even when you know that eating a bagel and a banana in the morning makes you feel fantastic!)

Anyway, all of this was to introduces a blogger who I just discovered who writes things that make me literally stop in my tracks because they are so obvious and so true:

To me, “wanting” something means more than just liking how it tastes — it also means considering how it makes me feel. The two variables comes together in a sort of split-second cost-benefit analysis, each time I eat, to answer the eternal question, what do I want?
No matter what I end up choosing in any given situation, the answer is always the same: I want to feel good.
Everyone should go check out The Fat Nutritionist.  She hates shame, and hates the Fat Police and wants to treat you like a damn adult.  I think I love her, you guys.

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